Saturday, 22 February 2014

#1The beautiful story of Prophet Nuh alaihis salam

BismIllah hir Rahman ir Rahim,
assalamu alaikum wa rahmatULLAHI
wa barakathuhu,
mashaAllah here's a detailed story of
Prophet Nuh alaihis
Salam.InshaAllah it will be a
beneficial read for you as there is a
lot of info in here that we may not
have known
Almighty Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala
states in The Holy Quran: "Peace be
upon Nooh among all nations. This is
how we reward the good-doers.
Verily, he was among our true
believing servants." There is an entire
Surah in The Holy Quran which is
named ‘Nooh’. In total he is
mentioned 43 times in the Quran
Shareef, and his story appears in
numerous places in the Holy Quran.
Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) was
the great grandson of Nabi Idrees
(alaihis-salaam). Between the two
there were 10 generations, as it is
mentioned in authentic hadith
narrated by Imam Bukhri and others.
Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) was
sent as a Prophet to his people after
they had started worshipping idols.
He was therefore the first Prophet
sent for this purpose., i.e. to invite
people to the oneness of Allah
SubhanhuWaTha'ala and towards
Islam. It is said that Hazrat Nooh
was fifty years old when he became a
Nabi. He lived in Iraq, and that was
where he spent most of his time.
A famous and authentic Muslim
historian and Alim, Imam Ibni Katheer
(rahmatullahi alaihi), gives a detailed
account of how idol-worship started
in the world. We shall summarize this
account for you.
Among the generations that came
between Nabi Adam Alaihis salam
and Hazrat Nooh (alaihimas-salaam)
there lived some very pious people.
Some of their names are mentioned in
Surah Nooh, such as, Wadd, Suwaa',
Yaghooth, Ya 'ooq, and Nasr. These
people were saints who were devoted
to the worship of Allah
SubhanhuWaTha'ala , and they had a
large following. When they died,
people were very sad and missed
them a great deal. Some of their
followers cried for days out of
mourning. One day, upon seeing the
extreme grief and sorrow of these
followers, Shaytaan came to them in
the form of a human being and
offered to draw pictures of these holy
men which they could keep in their
homes as reminders. This was
accepted and soon all of them had
pictures of their pious leaders in their
homes. They drew inspiration for
their ibadat from these pictures and
the sight of these holy man lessened
their grief. It was a great means of
solace for them.
When these followers died, their sons
grew up and continued keeping these
pictures. However, Shaytaan again
came in human form and offered to
transform these pictures into images,
which he did upon their consent.
Later he managed to convince the
younger generation, who had no idea
why these pictures and images were
made, that their forefathers actually
worshipped them.
The newer generation started to
worship these images, and thus
began the evil of idol-worship on
earth. The exact names of these pious
people, as mentioned above, were
given to the idols. Shaytaan kept on
appearing to them with new ideas
and suggestions, such as asking
things from these idols, making dua
to them for rain, etc.
As time passed, these images were
modified and beautified, and
eventually people forgot entirely
about Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala and
focussed all their attention on these
images. Every generation that came
after them, indulged in this form of
worship, until Allah
SubhanhuWaTha'ala decide to
appoint Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-
salaam) as a Messenger to save
these people from this evil sin.
He therefore invited them to the
worship of one Allah
SubhanhuWaTha'alas, and to submit
to His SubhanhuWaTha'alas Law.
Needless to say, this message was
rejected, because people were so
deep-rooted in idolatry that they were
not prepared to forsake their beliefs
in these idols. Hazrat Nooh alaihis
salam used different ways and
methods to explain the truth to them,
but to no avail. He spoke to them in
public and in private, at night and
during the day, and kept on
reminding them of the Mercy and
Forgiveness of Allah
SubhanhuWaTha'ala, but only a
handful of people listened to him and
accepted his message. These sincere
ones who came from poor
communities, were called mu'mineen
or believers. For the rest, their hatred
against Hazrat Nooh oAlaihis
salamnly increased.
La Ilaha Illa Anta, subhanaka, Inni
Kunto Minal dhalimeen. (Al Anbiya
21:87) Nabi(SAW)said
'None who is experiencing difficulty
employs it except that Allah would
relieve him of his difficulty'

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