Saturday, 22 February 2014

Hadith about Purity

The Prophet peace be upon him has
considered the purity half the faith and we
have to follow this virtuous prophetic manner,
but what are the benefits of purity? Let us
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said:
(The purity is half the faith) [Narrated by
Muslim]. This holy Hadith lays stress upon the
importance of the body cleanliness and now
we all know the importance of this for
protecting us from almost all the diseases.
The purity of the body means getting rid of
most germs and dust that suspend on to it
and this means the protection from many
diseases such as skin and mouth diseases.
The continual purity of the face and hands
means reducing the number of germs that
enter through the mouth and nose and that
means the prevention of the respiratory and
digestive diseases. Therefore the Prophet
peace be upon him considered the purity half
the faith!
And from the methods of the prophetic purity
is that the Prophet peace be upon him forbade
urinating in water and it was discovered that
humans urine contains many germs that can
be transmitted to another human being
through water and that the urine especially in
stagnant water causes the spread of many
epidemics such as cholera, typhoid and polio.
Among the methods of purification is cleaning
up well after urinating and a great medical
impact was proved to whom follow this good
habit. The fully removal of impurity protects
the human from many reproductive system
diseases and many infections and suppuration.
The faithful must have a bath at least once a
week in order to clean the surface of the skin
from dirt, bacteria, germs, fungi and the
remnants of sweating and so on. And this
helps in the protection from skin diseases and
improving the skin breath and maintenance of
its pores.
And also among the methods of prophetic
purification is washing hands when waking up
to remove what is suspended on them during
sleeping from germs, fats and remnants of
sweating. Hence, we can deduce the
importance of this Hadith as the Prophet
peace be upon him says: (If one of you wakes
up from his sleep, he shouldn't put his hand
into a vessel until he washes it three times)
[Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

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