Monday, 24 February 2014


The Soil of Paradise
Bukhaari and Muslim reported the hadith of
al-Mi'raaj from Anas ibn Maalik from Abu
Dharr in which Abu Dharr (ra) said, "The
Messenger of Allah (saw) said,
"I entered Paradise where I saw lights of pearl
and its soil was musk". Muslim and Ahmad
report from Abu Sa'eed that Ibn Sayyaad
asked the Messenger (saw) about the soil of
Paradise. He said,
"It is a fine white powder of pure musk".
Ahmad reports from Jaabir ibn 'Abdullaah
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said,
concerning the Jews:
"I am going to ask them about the soil of
Paradise, which is a fine white powder." So he
asked them, and they said, "It is like a loaf of
bread, O Abul-Qaasim," The Messenger of
Allah (saw) said, "Bread is like pearls".
[an-Nihaayah, 2/242]
Ahmad at-Tirmidhi and ad-Daarimi reported
that the Prophet (saw) said,
"I asked "O Messenger of Allah (saw), From
what are people made?" He said, "From
water." We asked, "From what is Paradise
built?" He said, "Bricks of gold and silver and
mortar of fragrant musk; its pebbles are pearls
and rubies, and its soil is saffron. Whoever
enters it is blessed with joy and will never be
miserable; he will remain there forever and
never die; his clothes will never wear out, and
his youth will never fade away."
[Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh, 3/89, no. 5630]
The Rivers of Paradise
Allah (swt), may He be Blessed and Exalted,
has told us that rivers flow from beneath
"And give glad tidings to those who believe
and do righteous good deeds, that for them
will be Gardens under which rivers flow…."
[Al-Baqarah 2:25]
"For them will be Gardens of Eternity: beneath
them rivers will flow...."
[Al-Kahf 18:31]
The Prophet (saw) told us clearly about the
rivers of Paradise. He said that during his
Israa' (Night Journey):
"...I saw four rivers flowing out from beneath
Sidrat al-Muntahaa, two visible and two
hidden. He asked, "O Jibreel, What are these
rivers?" He said, "The two hidden rivers are
rivers of Paradise, and the two visible rivers
are the Nile and the Euphrates".
[Muslim & Bukhaari]
Muslim reports from Abu Hurayrah that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said,
"Sihran, Jihran, the Euphrates and the Nile are
all from the rivers of Paradise".
[Sahih Muslim, Kitaab al-Jannah]
Sheikh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaani said,
" Perhaps what is meant is that these rivers
originated in Paradise just as mankind did;
this hadith does not contradict the well-
established fact that these rivers spring forth
from known sources on earth. If this is not in
fact the meaning of this hadith, then it is one
of the matters of al-Ghayb [the Unseen], which
we must believe and accept because the
Prophet (saw) has told us about it". [Silsilat
al-Hadith as-Saheehah, 1/18]
Another of the rivers of Paradise is al-
Kawthar, which Allah has given to His
Messenger (saw):
"Verily We have granted you [O Muhammad]
al-Kawthar [a river in Paradise]"
[Al-Kauthar 108:1]
The Prophet (saw) saw it and told us about it.
Bukhaari reported from Anas ibn Maalik that
the Prophet (saw) said,
"Whilst I was walking in Paradise I saw a river
whose banks were domes of hollow pearls,
and I asked, "What is this, O Jibreel?" He said,
"This is al-Kawthar which your Rabb has given
to you". And its scent - or its mud - was of
fragrant musk".
Hudbah [one of the narrators] was not sure if
he said tib [scent] or teen [mud]. [Sahih al-
Bukhaari, Kitaab ar-Riqaaq]
Ibn 'Abbaas explained,
"al-Kawthar means the abundant blessings
which Allah has bestowed upon His Messenger
Ibn Katheer compiled a number of hadith [an-
Nihaayah, 2/246] in which the Prophet (saw)
spoke about al-Kawthar, such as the Narrated
by Muslim from Anas, which states that when
the aayah
"Verily We have granted you al-Kawthar" [108]
was revealed, the Prophet (saw) said,
"Do you know what al-Kawthar is?" They said,
"Allah and His Messenger know best". He said,
"It is a river that Allah (swt) has promised me
and in it is much goodness".
Another hadith narrated by Ahmad from Anas,
according to which the Prophet (Saw) said,
"I have been given al-Kawthar, which is a river
flowing across the face of the earth; its banks
are domes of pearl and it is not covered. I
touched its mud with my hand, and found that
it was fragrant musk and its pebbles were
Also narrated by Ahmad from Anas, the
Prophet (saw) said,
"It is a river that Allah (swt) has given to me
in Paradise. Its mud is musk and its water is
whiter than milk, and sweeter than honey.
Birds with necks like the necks of camels drink
from it."
The rivers of Paradise do not just contain
water. There are rivers of water, of milk, of
wine and of clear honey.
Allah (swt) says:
"The description of Paradise which the
Muttaqoon have been promised is that in it are
rivers of water the taste and smell of which are
not changed; rivers of milk of which the taste
never changes; rivers of wine delicious to
those who drink; and rivers of clarified honey
[clear and pure].."
[Muhammad 47:15]
Tirmidhi reports, with a sahih isnaad, from
Haakim ibn Mu'aawiyah that the Messenger of
Allah (saw) said,
"In Paradise there is a sea of honey, a sea of
wine, a sea of milk and a sea of water, and the
rivers flow out of these seas." [Jaami' al-
Usool, 10/508]
He also told us of a river called Baariq, which
flows by the gate of Paradise. During the
period of al-Barzakh [the time between death
and the day of Judgement] the shuhadaa are
beside this river. Ibn 'Abbaas narrated that
the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "The
shuhadaa [martyrs] are in a green dome
beside the river of Baariq, near the gate of
Paradise, from which provision comes to them
morning and evening."
[Saheeh al-Jaami' as-Sagheer, 3/235, no.
The Springs of Paradise
In Paradise there are many springs that
provide drinks of different tastes:
"Truly al-Muttaqoon [the pious and righteous]
will be amidst Gardens and Water-springs"
Concerning the two Gardens which Allah (swt)
has prepared for those who fear their Rabb,
Allah (swt) said,
"In them [both] will be two springs flowing
[free]. "
[Ar-Rahman 55:50]
And concerning the two Gardens beneath
them, He said,
"In them [both] will be two springs gushing
forth water."
[Ar-Rahman 55:66]
In Paradise there are two springs from which
al-Muqarraboon will drink pure and undiluted,
whilst the Abraar will drink their water mixed
with something else. The first is the spring of
Kafoor, as Allah (swt) says:
"Verily the Abraar [the pious, those who fear
Allah and avoid evil], shall drink a cup [of
wine] mixed with water from a spring in
Paradise called Kafoor, (5) A spring wherefrom
the slaves of Allah will drink, causing it to
gush forth abundantly."
[Al-Insan 76:5-6]
He tells us that the pious will drink from it
mixed with something else, whilst those close
to Allah will drink it pure and undiluted.
The second spring is of Tasneem, as Allah
(swt) says:
"Verily al-Abraar will be in delight [Paradise],
(22) On thrones, looking [at all things]. (23)
You will recognise in their faces the brightness
of delight. (24) They will b given to drink pure
sealed wine, (25) the last thereof [that wine]
will be the smell of musk, and for this let [all]
those who strive who want to strive [i.e.
hasten earnestly to the obedience of Allah].
(26) It [that wine] will be mixed with Tasneem,
(27) a spring whereof drink those nearest to
[Al-Mutaffafin 83:22-28]
Another of the springs of Paradise is called al-
Salsabeel as Allah (swt) says:
"And they will be given to drink there a cup [of
wine] mixed with zanjabeel [ginger],
(17) a spring there, called Salsabeel".
[Al-Insan 76:17-18]
The Palaces and Tents of Paradise
Allah (swt) will build good and beautiful
dwellings for the people of Paradise:
"....and beautiful mansions in Gardens of
everlasting bliss...."
[At-Tauba 9:72]
In some places in the Qur'an, Allah (swt)
described these dwellings as ghurafaat
[chambers or dwellings]:
"and they will reside in the high dwellings
[Paradise] in peace and security...."
[Saba 34:37]
The reward for the slaves of the all-Merciful
will be:
"Those will be rewarded with the highest place
[in Paradise] because of their patience. Therein
they shall be met with greetings and the word
of peace and respect"
[Al-Furqan 25:75]
Allah (swt) described these Ghurafaat:
"But for those who fear Allah and keep their
duty to their Rabb [Allah], for them are built
lofty rooms, one above the other, under which
rivers flow. [This is] the Promise of Allah, and
Allah does not fail in [His] Promise."
[Az-Zumr 39:20]
Ibn Katheer said: "Allah has told us about His
blessed slaves who will have rooms [or
dwellings] in Paradise: these will be lofty
palaces, "lofty rooms, one above another -
story upon story, well-constructed, strong and
decorated. The Prophet (saw) described these
palaces to us. According to a hadith narrated
by Ahmad, and Ibn Hibbaan from Abu Maalik
al-Ash'ari and by at-Tirmidhi from 'Ali (ra) the
Prophet (saw) said:
"In Paradise there are dwellings whose inside
can be seen from the outside, and the outside
can be seen from inside. Allah [swt] has
prepared them for those who feed the hungry,
and speak softly and gently, fast continuously
and pray at night whilst the people are
[Saheeh al-Jaami' as-Sagheer, 2/220, no.
Allah (swt) has told us that there are tents or
pavilions in Paradise:
"Houris [beautiful, fair females] restrained in
[Ar-Rahman 55:72]
These pavilions are wondrous tents, made of
pearls, each one is made from a single,
hollowed-out pearl. They are sixty miles high;
according to some reports they are sixty miles
wide. Bukhaari reports from 'Abdullaah ibn
Qays that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said,
"The tent is a hollowed out pearl, thirty miles
high; in each corner of it the believer will have
a wife whom no one else can see". Abu
'Abdus-Samad and al-Haarith reported from
Abu 'Imraan that the wording was "sixty miles
[Sahih al-Bukhaari, Kitaab Bid' al-Khalq, Fath
al-Baari, 6/318]
Muslim reported from 'Abdullaah ibn Qays
that the Prophet (saw) said:
"The believer in Paradise will have a tent made
out of a single, hollowed-out pearl, sixty miles
long, in which he will have [a number of]
wives, whom he will visit in turn, none of
whom will see the others".
[ Muslim, Kitaab al-Jannah]
The Prophet (saw) told us about the
characteristics of the palaces of some of his
wives and companions. Bukhaari and Muslim
report that Abu Hurayrah (ra) said, "Jibreel
came to the Prophet (saw) said,
"O Messenger of Allah, Khadeejah is coming,
carrying a container of food. When she comes
to you, convey to her greetings of peace from
her Rabb and from me, and give her the glad
tidings of a house in Paradise made of
brocade, in which there is no noise or
exhaustion." "
[Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh, 3/266]
Bukhaari and Muslim report from Jaabir that
the Messenger of Allah (saw) said,
"I entered Paradise, where I saw ar-Rumaysa',
the wife of Abu Talhah. And I heard footsteps
and asked, "Who is that?" He [Jibreel] said,
"That is Bilaal." And I saw a palace with
women in its courtyard. I asked, "Whose is
this?" They said, "It is for 'Umar ibn al-
Khattab". I had wanted to go in and look at it,
but I remembered your jealousy [where women
are concerned]." '
Umar said, "May my mother and father be
sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah (saw),
would I feel jealous from you?" [Mishkaat al-
Masaabeeh, 3/226]
The Prophet (saw) has told us of the way in
which the believer may acquire more than one
house in Paradise:
Ahmad reports with a saheeh isnaad from Ibn
'Abbaas that the Prophet (saw) said,
"Whoever builds a masjid for Allah, even if it
is as small as the nestling-place scratched
out by the sane grouse for its eggs, Allah
(swt) will build a house for him in Paradise".
[Saheeh al-Jaami-Sagheer]
Ahmad, Bukhaari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn
Maajah report from 'Uthmaan that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said
"Whoever builds a mosque for Allah (swt),
Allah (swt) will build something similar for
him in Paradise".
[Saheeh al-Jaami' as-Sagheer, 5/265, no.
Muslim, Abu Dawud, Ahmad, an-Nasaa'ee, and
Ibn Maajah report from Umm Habeebah that
the Messenger of Allah (saw) said,
"Whoever prays twelve extra [supererogatory]
rak'ahs every day, Allah (swt) will build for
him a house in Paradise."
[Saheeh al-Jaami', 5/316, no. 6234]
The Light of Paradise
Ibn Katheer in his commentary on the aayah
: "....And they will have therein their
sustenance, morning and evening. (62) Such is
the Paradise, which We shall give as an
inheritance to those of Our slave who have
been al-Muttaqoon [pious and righteous]"
[Maryam 19:62-63] said, "This means
something approximate to the times of day
and night, it does not mean that there will be
a day and night there. They will know the
passing of time by the changes in the
light " [Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 4/471]
On the same subject, Ibn Taymiyyah said,
"There is no sun and moon in Paradise, and no
day or night, but they will know morning and
evening from a light that shines from the
direction of the Throne" [Majmu' Fataawa
Shaikh al-Islaam, 4/312]
The Fragrance of Paradise
Paradise is filled with a pure and beautiful
fragrance, which the believers will be able to
discern from a great distance. Ahmad, an-
Nasaa'ee, Ibn Maajah and al-Haakim report
with a saheeh isnaad that the Messenger
(saw) said,
"Whoever kills a man of Ahl ad-Dhimmah
[non-Muslims living under Islaamic rule] will
not smell the fragrance of Paradise, even
though its fragrance can be discerned from a
distance of forty years' travelling."
[Saheeh al-Jaami as-Sagheer, 5/235, no.
6324 adn 5/337 no. 6333]
The Trees and Fruits of Paradise
(i) Its trees and fruits are of many kinds and
The trees of Paradise are abundant and good
and of many kinds. Allah has told us that
there are grapevines, date palms and
pomegranate trees in Paradise, as well as
lotus trees and acacia trees:
"Verily, for the muttaqoon, there will be a
success [Paradise], (31) gardens and grape
[An-Naba 78:31-32]
"in them [both will be fruits, date palms and
[Ar-Rahman 55:68]
"And those on the Right Hand
(27) who will be those on the Right Hand?
[They will be] among thornless lote-trees, (28)
Among Talh trees with fruits piled one above
another, (29) In shade long-extended, (30) By
water flowing constantly, (31) And fruit in
plenty (32) whose season is not limited, and
their supply will not be cut off, "
[Al-Waqia 56:27-33]
The lotus tree [ad-Sidr] is a thorny plant, but
in Paradise it will be thornless. At-Talh
[acacia tree] is a tree of Hijaaz, a kind of 'idah
[a fair sized thorny shrub], but in Paradise its
fruits will be ready to eat, with no effort
What Allah (swt) has told us about the trees
of Paradise is only a small part of what
Paradise contains. Hence Allah told us :
"In them [both] will be every kind of fruit in
[Ar-Rahman 55:52]
Because of its abundance, people will be able
to leave what they want and take what they
"Verily the Muttaqoon shall be amidst shades
and springs,
And fruits - such as they desire"
[Al-Mursalat 77:41-42]
Ibn Katheer spoke very cleverly about the
greatness of the fruits of Paradise, and
concluded that by means of understatement,
Allah (swt) conveyed the abundance and
greatness of those fruits. He said,
"how do you think the trees that are grown for
their fruit on earth will be in Paradise, like
apple trees, date palms, grape vines and so
on? How do you think the flowers will be? In
short, there will be what no eye has seen, no
ear has heard and no human heart can
comprehend and we ask Allah (swt) to grant
us some of this, by His Grace"
The trees of Paradise bear fruit constantly,
unlike the trees of this world, which bear fruit
only at certain times or seasons. The trees of
Paradise always bear fruit and offer shade:
"And fruit in plenty,
whose season is not limited, and their supply
will not be cut off"
[Al-Waqia 56:32-33]
The supply is continuous and the people of
Paradise are never denied. one of the delights
that the people of Paradise will enjoy is
finding that its fruits are similar in
appearance, but different in taste:
"....Everytime they will be provided with a fruit
therefrom, they will say, "This is what we were
provided with before", and they will be given
things in resemblance [i.e. in the same form
but different in taste]....
[Al-Baqarah 2:25]
The trees of Paradise are of rich and lush
foliage -
"With spreading branches" [Ar-Rahman 55:48]
, and they are intensely green - "dark and
green [in colour]"
[Ar-Rahman 55:64]. The intensity of the colour
is because of the density of the trees in
The fruits of the trees will be low-hanging, in
easy reach of the people of Paradise:
"Reclining upon the couches lined with silk
brocade, and the fruits of the two Gardens will
be near at hand"
[Ar-Rahman 55:54]
The shade of these trees will be as Allah (swt)
"..and We shall admit them to shades wide and
ever deepening".
[An-Nisa 4:57]
(ii) Some of the trees of Paradise
The Messenger of Allah (saw) told us
wondrous things about some of the trees of
paradise which indicates that they are so
amazingly huge that trying to imagine them
makes one's head spin. We shall quote some
examples here:
(a) A tree whose shadow it takes one hundred
years to cross.
This is a huge tree, whose true size is known
only to its Creator. The Prophet (saw)
conveyed an impression of its size when he
said that
"In Paradise there is a tree which the rider of a
swift horse would need one hundred years to
pass beneath"
[Bukhaari, Kitaab ar-Riqaaq]
And in the narration of Muslim from Abu
Hurayrah and Sahl ibn Sa'd it is said that
"In Paradise there is a tree under whose shade
a traveller could travel for one hundred years
and not reach the edge of it"
[Muslim, Kitaab al-Jannah]
(b) Sidrat al-Muntaha
There is a tree in paradise which Allah has
mentioned in a clear and unambiguous
revelation. Allah (swt) told us that our
Prophet Muhammad (saw) saw Jibreel in the
form in which Allah created him at that tree.
He also told us that it was veiled with
something known only to Allah (swt) when the
Prophet (saw) saw it:
"And indeed he [Muhammad] saw him [Jibreel]
at a second descent [i.e. a second time]
near Sidrat al-Muntaha [the Lote-tree of the
utmost boundary beyond which none may
near it is the Paradise of Abode.
When that covered the lote-tree which covered
The sight of [Muhammad] turned not aside
[right or left], nor did it transgress beyond
[the] limit [ordained for it]
Indeed he (Muhammad SAW) did see, of the
Greatest Signs, of his Lord (Allâh).
[An-Najm 53:13-18]
The Prophet (saw) told us about what he saw
of this tree:
"Then I was taken up until I reached Sidrat al-
Muntaha and I saw its Nabq [fruits] which
looked like the clay jugs of Hajar, its leaves
were like the ears of elephants, and one of
these leaves could cover the whole of this
ummah. It was veiled in colours indescribable.
Then I entered Paradise, and its lights were
pearls and its soil was musk".
[Saheeh Bukhaari and Muslim]
(c) Tooba.
This is a huge tree which produces the fabric
for the clothing of the people of Paradise.
Ahmad Ibn Jareer and Ibn Hibbaan report
from Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri that the Messenger
of Allah (saw) said,
"Tooba is a tree in Paradise, as big as a
hundred year's journey; the clothes of the
people of Paradise comes from its calyces [the
outer parts of its flowers]"
[Silsilat al-Hadith as-Saheehah, 4/639, no.
1985, the isnaad is hasan]
Narrated by Ahmad from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr,
who said, "A man came to the Prophet (saw)
and asked, "O Messenger of Allah, tell us
about the clothes of the people of Paradise;
are they created or are they woven?" Some of
the people laughed. The Messenger of Allah
(saw) said, "Why are you laughing? Because
someone who does not know has asked
someone who does know?" Then he turned and
asked, "Where is the one who asked the
question?" The man said, "Here I am, O
Messenger of Allah". He said, "No, they are
produced by the fruits of Paradise" three
[Silsilat al-Hadith as-Saheehah, 4/640]
(iii) The best aromatic plants in Paradise
Allah told us that in Paradise there are
aromatic plants:
"[there is for him] rest and provision [Rayhaan
- literally - sweet smelling plants, here used as
symbolical of complete satisfaction and
[Al-Waqia 56:89]
In Mu'jam at-Tabaraanee al-Kabeer, a report
from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr whose isnaad is
saheeh according to the conditions of
Bukhaari and Muslim states that the Prophet
(saw) said,
"The best of the aromatic plants of Paradise is
[SilSilah as-Saheehah, 3/407, no. 1420]
(iv) The trunks of the trees of Paradise are of
One of the wondrous things that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) told us is that the
trunks of the trees are gold:
"There is no tree in Paradise that does not
have a trunk made of gold"
[Ibn Hibbaan, at-Tirmidhi, al-Bayhaqee, from
Abu Hurayrah, Saheeh al-Jaami' as-Sagheer
5/150 saheeh]
(v) How can the Believer increase his share of
the trees of Paradise?
The Father of the Prophets, Ibraaheem (as)
asked our Prophet Muhammad (saw) on the
night of the Israa' to convey his greetings to
this ummah and to tell them the way in which
they could increase their share of the trees of
Paradise. at-Tirmidhi reported with a hasan
isnaad from Ibn Mas'oud that the Messenger
of Allah (saw) said:
"I met Ibraaheem...and he said, "O
Muhammad, tell your ummah that Paradise is
a land whose soil is good and its water is
sweet. It is an empty plain, which will be
planted with SubhaanAllah, al-Hamdulillaah,
and Allahu Akbar"
[Saheeh al-Jaami' as-Sagheer, 5/34, no.
The Animals and Birds of Paradise
The kinds of birds and animals that exist in
Paradise are known only to Allah. He ta'ala
told us that among the delights enjoyed by
the people of Paradise will be:
"..and the flesh of fowls any that they may
[Al-Waqia 56:21]
Tirmidhi reports from Anas that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked, "What is
al-Kawthar?" He said, "That is a river that
Allah has given me... and in it are birds with
necks like the necks of camels". 'Umar said,
These birds will be in bliss". The Messenger of
Allah (saw) said, "Those who eat them will be
more blissful"".
[Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh, 2/91]
Haakim and Abu Na'eem
reported from Ibn Mas'oud that "a man
brought a haltered she-camel and said, "O
Messenger of Allah, this she-camel is for the
sake of Allah". He said, "You will have seven
hundred haltered she-camels in Paradise"
[Silsilat as-Saheehah, 2/228 no. 634; a
similar report is narrated by Muslim, Mishkaat
al-Masaabeeh, 2/350, 3799]
Paradise: There is Nothing Like It
The delights of Paradise surpass the
imagination and defy description. They are like
nothing known to the people of this world; no
matter how advanced we may become, what
we achieve is as nothing in comparison with
the joys of the Hereafter. As is mentioned in
several reports, there is nothing like Paradise:
"It is sparkling light, aromatic plants, a lofty
palace, a flowing river, ripe fruit, a beautiful
wife and abundant clothing, in an eternal
abode of radiant joy, in beautiful soundly-
constructed high houses".
[Ibn Maajah]
The Sahabah asked the Prophet (saw) about
the buildings of Paradise and he replied with a
wonderful description:
"Bricks of gold and silver, and mortar of
fragrant musk, pebbles of pearl and sapphire,
and soil of saffron. Whoever enters it is filled
with joy and will never feel miserable; he will
live there forever and never die; their clothes
will never wear out and their youth will never
[Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, ad-Daarimee, Mishkaat
al-Masaabeeh, 3/29, sahih].
Allah (swt) indeed spoke the truth when He
(swt) said:
"And when you look there [in Paradise] you
will see a delight [that cannot be imagined].
and a great dominion"
[Al-Insan 76:20]
What Allah (swt) has kept hidden from us the
delights of Paradise is beyond our ability to
comprehend: Bukhaari reported from Abu
Hurayrah (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said that
Allah (swt) said,
"I have prepared for My slaves what no eye
has seen, no ear has heard and no human
heart can imagine". Recite if you wish, "No
person know what is kept hidden for them of
joy as a reward for what they used to do...."
(As-Sajda 32:17).
The Gates of Paradise
Paradise has gates through which the
believers, like the angels, will enter:
".....And angels shall enter unto them from
every gate [with the salutation]:
"Peace be unto you for that you persevered in
patience! How excellent is the final home!"
[Ar-Rad 13:23-24]
Allah (swt) has told us that these gates will be
opened when the believers reach them, and
they will be welcomed by the angels with
greetings of peace:
"...... till, when they reach it, its gates will be
opened, and its keepers will say, "Salaamun
'alaykum! You have done well, so enter here to
abide therein."
[Az-Zumr 39:73]
The number of gates in Paradise is eight, one
of which is called Ar-Rayyaan, which is
exclusively for those who fast. Bukhaari and
Muslim report from Sahl ibn Sa'eedi that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said,
"In Paradise there are eight gates, one of
which is called ar-Rayyaan. No one will enter
it except those who fast, and when they have
entered it will be locked behind them and no
one else will enter it".
[Ibn Katheer]
In addition to Ar-Rayyaan, there are also
gates for those who pray much, those who
give in charity and those who fight in jihaad;
Abu Hurayrah (ra) reported that the Prophet
(saw) said,
"Whoever spends a pair [of anything] from his
wealth for the sake of Allah (swt) will be
called from the gates of Paradise, and
Paradise has eight agates. Whoever used to
pray [regularly and properly] will be called
from the gate of prayer; whoever use to give in
charity will be called from the gate of charity'
whoever used to fight in jihaad will be called
from the gate of jihaad, and whoever used to
fast [regularly] will be called from the gate of
Abu Bakr (ra) said, "By Allah, it would not
matter if a person was called from any of
them but will anyone be called from all of
them, O Messenger of Allah (saw)? " He said,
"Yes, and I hope that you will be one of them" .
[saheeh, Ibn Katheer, an-Nihaayah, 2/214]
The Prophet (saw) also said,
"Whoever performs wudhu and does it
properly, then lifts his gaze to the sky and
says, "Ashhadu an laa ilaaha illa Allah,
wahdahu laa shareeka lah, wa ashhadu anna
Muhammadan 'abdahu wa rasuluhu, the eight
gates of Paradise will be opened to him, and
he will enter it through whichever one he
[Muslim, Ahmad and others on the authority of
'Umar, an-Nihaayah, 2/219]
The Prophet (saw) told us that there is a gate,
which is only for those who will not be called
to account: this is the right-hand gate of
Paradise. Everyone else will enter Paradise
with the rest of the nations through the other
gates. In a hadith about ash-Shafaa'ah
(intercession) whose authenticity is agreed
upon, Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet
(saw) said,
"Allah (swt) will say, "O Muhammad, admit
those of your ummah who do not need to be
brought to account through the right-hand
gate and the others will enter through the
other gates like the rest of the people.""
In the same hadith, the Prophet (saw)
described the width of the gates of Paradise:
"By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of
Muhammad, the distance between two panesl
of the gates of Paradise or between the two
gateposts, is liek the distance between
Makkaah and Hajar, or between Makkah and
[an-Nihaayah, 2/221]
The Prophet (saw) has told us that the gates
of Paradise are opened during Ramadhaan.
Bukhaari, Muslim, and Ahmad report from Abu
Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (saw)
"When the month of Ramadhan comes, the
gates of heaven are opened".
In some reports it states that the distance
between the two gate-panels when they are
open is that of a forty year journey.
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said,
"The distance between the two gate-panels of
one of the gates of Paradise is the distance of
forty-year's walking, but there will come a
time when it is very crowded".
Paradise is Not the Equivalent of Deeds
Paradise is something of immense value; a
person cannot earn it by virtue of his deeds
alone - Muslim reported from Abu Hurayrah
(ra) that the Prophet (saw) said,
"No one of you will enter Paradise by his
deeds alone." They asked, "Not even you, O
Messenger of Allah?" He said, "Not even me,
unless Allah covers me with His Grace and
[Saheeh Muslim, 4/2170, no. 2816]
The fact that some texts indicate that
Paradise is the equivalent reward for deeds
could be problematic, for example:
"No person knows what is kept hidden for
them of joy as reward for they used to do."
[As-Sajda 32:17].
However there is no conflict between these
aayaat and the meaning of the hadith. The
aayaat indicate that good deeds will be a
reason, not the price, for admission to
Paradise. The hadith say that good deeds are
not the price.

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