Friday, 21 February 2014

A Journey In The Deep Water - The Story of Our Prophet Younis Part-1

The Assyrians lived in big cities on the rivers
of the Tigris. Naynawa was the biggest of their
cities. It was the capital of their country.
Over one hundred thousand people lived in
They lived on agriculture. They sowed their
wide fields and grazed their cattle in that
fertile land.
Our prophet Younis was born in that big city.
When he grew up, he saw his people
worshipping idols.
Allah, the Glorified, chose His servant Younis
(AS) as a prophet. Younis believed in Allah,
the One and Mighty. He understood that the
idols were mere useless stones.
Allah, the Glorified, sent Younis to the people
of Naynawa to ask them to serve Allah, the
Glorified, and to refrain from worshipping
The people of Naynawa were good but they
associated partners with Allah. They
worshipped idols for a long time.
Our prophet Younis came to them. He
preached to them, advised them, and said tot
hem: “Serve only Allah, the Glorified. Don't
associate anyone with Him.”
The people of Naynawa were accustomed to
worshipping idols. Thus, they refused to
accept Younis's message, and then they
resisted him.
All the prophets taught people how to serve
Allah, the One and Only. All the messengers
preached Allah's oneness.
The people of Naynawa deviated from the
right path. They worshipped idols. They
thought that the idols would have an effect on
their lives.
Our prophet Younis came and urged them to
serve Allah, the One and Only.
However, Younis's efforts were in vain.
The Prophet warned them against the final
result of their stubbornness. He said to them:
“If you worship idols, Allah, the Glorified, will
punish you.”
Our prophet Younis was angry with the people
of Naynawa. He warned them against Allah's
Our prophet Younis left Naynawa and went
He headed for the Mediterranean Sea. He
thought that Allah would punish the people of
Many days passed. However, our prophet
Younis heard nothing of the people of
He asked many travelers about them: “How
are the people of Naynawa?” “They lead a
good life,” answered the travelers.
Our prophet Younis was astonished. Allah had
not punished the people of Naynawa.
For this reason, Younis continued his journey
to the Mediterranean Sea.

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