Friday 21 February 2014

Story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) Part-20

Yousif propagated Allah's Message
Yousif'seized the opportunity to summon the
two prisoners to serve Allah, the One and Only.
He wanted them to have absolute trust in him,
so he said to them: "I know every thing, even
the food the jailers brings to you. Allah's
given me knowledge. That's because I've
abandoned the worship of pagans, and I've
served Allah, the One and Only."
"I've followed the religion of my fathers,
Ibrahim, Ishaq, and Ya'qub."
"Allah's bestowed this blessing, on us, ahl al-
Bayt and upon people. However, most people
don't thank (Allah for this blessing)."
The two prisoners listened carefully to Yousif's
logical words.
Then Yousif asked them: "Friends, which is
better - serving various gods or serving Allah,
the One and Only?"
He added: "Allah's everlasting,. The things you
worship are mere useless names and idols.
They've neither strength nor power. Strength
belongs to Allah only, My religion asks you to
believe in Allah's oneness."
Yousif kept silent for a few moinents, and then
he said: "Friends, one of you will go back to
his job. He'll press wine for the King. As for
the other, he'll be crucified and birds will eat
of his head.
The person who saw birds eating bread on his
head was afraid, so he said to Yousif. "I
dreamt nothing. I've told you a lie!
"The matter concerning which you inquired is
decreed", explained Yousif.
Then Yousif turned to the cupbearer of the
King and said to him: "Remember me with
your lord."
On the following day, the jailer came and took
the two prisoners. The cupbearer went to the
king and continued his job. As for the cook,
he was crucified.
The cupbearer of the King said to Yousif: "I'll
mention you with your lord. I'll tell him that
you're wronged, and that you've been
imprisoned without guilt.
However, the cupbearer forgot his promise.
For this reason, Yousif remained in prison for
several years. Yousif bore those years with
patience and faith. He was confident that
Allah would not forget him

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